Tutorial ini akan mengajarkan anda cara cepat untuk mengubah foto asli menjadi foto Dreamy romantis, boleh juga disebut foto hayalan, foto impian atau apalah...

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Buka Photo 1, tekan Ctrl+J and beri nama Sharpen
pilih layer Sharpen >menu Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen Edges
Setelah itu terapkan kalau masih terasa kurang tekan Ctrl + F
Lanjutkan ke Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen hasilnya seperti gambar ini:

Tekan Ctrl + J to duplicate layer Sharpen dan berikan nama lagi dengan nama Screen
Pilih blending mode ke Screen

Buka Photo 2 lanjutkan dengan memilih Elliptical Marquee Tool
Buatlah seleksi seperti ini.

Tekan Ctrl dan drag, hasil seleksi di letakkan pada Photo 1 terus tekan Edit -> Transform ->
Scale to resize ubah gambar sesuai keinginan anda (ubah blending mode ke Screen juga).

Buka texture dibawah ini:(Copy/Paste ajah gbrnya)

Letakkan di palet layer atas kemudian ubah Blending mode ke Screen, seperti dibawah ini:

Tambahkan teks untuk mempercantik gambar dan Anda akan mendapatkan hasil akhir seperti ini:

Selamat mencoba.
Ingin Belajar Photoshop Pemula disini aja Photoshop Pemula
This is very useful post. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your all resources. I hope this will help me a lot
Amazing post! Photo editing is my passion. I love to play with photos. That's why I never miss any article related to photo editing. I won't get more information about this, because is very stunning thanks for sharing it!
I really like and appreciate your post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.
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Wow, very informative tutorials. This is exactly what I was looking for. As I’m working on different image editing platform such as clipping path and so on. So, I think this tutorial will help in my editing work as well. Thanks for sharing this. Please keep sharing more. I’ll be waiting for your next post. clipping path
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